A Future for the Past: enabling the use of built heritage assets

21 Feb 2012

Deborah Lazarus, Heritage Specialist, Existing Buildings Team, Arup London, 6pm for 6.15pm, A V Hill Lecture Theatre, Medical Sciences Building, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT.

The continuing use of heritage buildings, particularly where a significant change of use is contemplated, presents social, economic and environmental as well as physical challenges. These include the extent to which alterations to the fabric are acceptable in finding a viable use for a building, the primacy of form over function, or vice versa, in determining the future of a heritage structure, and how the heritage significance may be enhanced as part of the process. This paper examines these issues through examples where a new life has been devised for a heritage asset, recognising that for many there are both changes of use and alterations to layout and fabric over time that in turn become part of its history and values.

All are welcome at this public lecture; please send an email to Bethia Reith if you are planning to attend.