Sharing Cities – Shaping Cities

5-6 March 2018
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy

Sharing economy and collaborative consumption are attracting much interest for their business, legal and civic implications. Underexplored is instead the consequences of the spreading on sharing-based practices in the urban environmental and daily dynamics.

The “Sharing Cities – Shaping Cities (#ShapringCities)” symposium aims at addressing if and how is sharing shaping cities, the way spaces are designed and lived if social interactions are escalated, the way habits and routines take place in the post-individualist society.

The #ShapringCities Symposium can be of interest for researchers in the fields of urban studies, urban planning and design, service design, sociology, geography, anthropology, innovation studies, and related.

/ Attending the symposium /

The symposium will be held on 5 to 6 March 2018, at Politecnico di Milano, in Milan.

There is no cost to attend and catering would be provided; however travel would be self-funded.