Our Industrial Heritage – Shrewsbury Flax Mill

6 September 2018
Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings
Spring Gardens

All the information you will need regarding this event and a fantastic opportunity to get behind the scenes and up high in this fabulous 18th-century structure, known as a precursor to the skyscraper due to its iron-frame construction is contained in Eventbrite, so whether you are planning on booking or not please visit the website and have a look.  The URL is https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/our-industrial-heritage-shrewsbury-flax-mill-tickets-49056456181

This is a free event and lunch is kindly being provided by Historic England.  Due to restrictions regarding health and safety, there is a limit to the number of people who can do the mill tour at any one time.  There are 2 groups of 12 and anyone not booked onto these will be able to do an alternative tour of the Industrial Heritage around the immediate area – all of this is on the Eventbrite pages.