Debate: What’s the point of Listing Buildings?

27 September 2018

There are over 1,800 listed buildings in Glasgow. The main criteria for listing are: age and rarity; architectural or historic interest; close historical association.

This is the latest in our series of quarterly debates called ‘The City Talks’. As opposed to the more traditional format of our monthly lecture series, The City Talks are two-way debates between a specially selected panel of experts and the audience.

Our panel will consider whether these designations fully reflect what the city and its people value about the historic built environment. Should we be trying to save historic buildings which are unlisted and outside of conservation areas? Who might they be valuable to?

Panellists will include:

  • Elizabeth McCrone, Head of Designations, Historic Environment Scotland
  • Linda Shetabi, PhD Candiate, University of Glasgow
  • Rebecca Madgin, Senior Lecturer in Urban Development and Management, University of Glasgow

Chair: Niall Murphy, Glasgow City Heritage Trust

Further details and booking HERE